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Monday, April 21, 2008

Has gas prices killed you yet?

Gas prices . . . . two words . .. . "mind blowing." I am quite sure majority of everyone agree with me on this because people don't like spending SO MUCH on gas just to get to their destinations. I recently noticed that gas is like for 3.50$ and I use plus. If gas ever goes up to 5 dollars a gallon, I think I would cry. If gas starts to raise every week at the rate it is now, I'm fairly sure that people will change their transportation vehicles to something more conservative. I don't usually pay for my gas, my parents do, but I have to pay it most of the time because I feel bad due to the high prices they are now. I am doing this good deed, but I am only a college student! I cannot handle all those expenses, everytime I refill my gas tank I feel like I want to cry as much as many people do. I think one of the methods that can attack this "gas" problem is to invest into alernative forms of transportation, for example bussing. Have more busses rome around the U.S. and more stops to pick people up. Have highways reserve a lane SOLELY for busses to save gas. By doing this, I'm fairly sure we can easily save gas by having busses carry the majority of the nation to their destination instead of cars driving 1 person compared to busses carrying approximately 50 people. This can dramatically save the unneccessary waste of gas usage and the cost of a bus ride is not as traumatizing compared to paying a whole tank of gas. Not only will our pollution will lessen, but wasting money on gas will be less! If we don't do this, I'm afraid that not only I, but everyone else will be financially unstable and cry. Well I will cry, but other people will be saddened if there is still a constant rise in gas prices. I hope some action is taken to attack the gas prices.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Ramzy's analysis of the Iraq War

Commented on We are the government; You and I

I agree with you Ramzy, I too was at first with Bush's decision for taking action in response to September 11. United States is considered to be one of the most powerful nations, but we shouldn't be in over our heads and take on every nation due to our disagreement of their systems. Their is one error in your statement though; when you say invade afghanistan, what is your defination of invade? You mean invading by fighting Iraqies in Afghanistan or fighting Afgahnis in Afghanistan. Depending on your definition of invading Afghanistan, we didn't actually invade Afghanistan because they are our allies. We did invade Iraq though and even though I did not support the war in Iraq, I also believe that since we destroyed the government that we should fix it. I would personally feel guilty if I were to be at fault of something and not take the responsibiliy to clean it up. Your idea/action that we should take in response to Iraq is fairly reasonable. Though Bush has put himself in a bad situation, I deeply feel bad for him because he was put at a difficult situation. I truly hope as you do Ramzy for us to finish Iraq and fix our own problems that we have developed due to invading Iraq. It is agreeable to say, we want our troops back. (Implying family and friends that are in Iraq.)