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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

U.S. House member loses his cool

Apparently Cythnia Mckinney(Who served in the democrat House of Representatives) and Christopher Shays(Who served in the republican House of Representatives) has committed actions that has affected their outcome in the primaries. In Christopher Shays's case, he lost control of himself and started to take out his anger on one of the officers that he believed that didn't make a better enough effort for his connections. Christopher Shays's explosion consisted with profanity and touching the officer's nametag. "Later, the Republican issued a statement with his apology. And he said he hopes to meet with the officer he accosted to express his regrets when Congress reconvenes next week." Obviously, he immediately proposed an apology for his action and if he were to meat the officer again, he would display his deepest apologies. For a U.S. House member to over-react like this, the possibility of his position being denied may become a chance. People would see and feel awkward for a House member to explode and not be calm.
In Cythnia's case, she allegedly struck an officer with her cellphone because he stopped her at a gate. "A grand jury declined to indict her but, politically, she was toast." It seems that her political career seems to be over because of this incident. Her case seems to be more serious than that of Christopher Shays's, that is why Shay barely won his re-election. Thought this over-reaction is uncalled for, people should still view the members of the house just as regular people. People seem to highlight these attributes just to go in favor for the party they are with. Otherwise, this article to me personally does not have any purpose except for revealing that the members of the house are normal people.

This article is found at Los Angeles Time

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