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Monday, February 11, 2008

Bush Sends Anti-Steroid Pact to Senate

"President Bush asked the Senate to swiftly approve an agreement ratified by more than 70 nations to fight the use of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs in sports." There was a statement on thursday by the White house implying that their agreement's principle already reflects U.S. law and policy. Basically White House press secretary Dana perino is stating our nation is going to solidify our place as worldwide leader in ridding athletes of drug use due to our ratification of the convention. "U.S. Olympic Committee CEO Jim Scherr said he appreciated Bush's support." Obviously for majority of the U.S. to support this, Bush is going to take action to gain popularity. This is suppose to help control international competitions like Olympics and Pan American Games. The White House states that this convention is supposedly a walkthrough in strengthening their policies against performance enhancing drugs.

"The use of performance-enhancing drugs by elite athletes sets a dangerous example for millions of young Americans, encouraging young people to take grave risks with their health and safety" I personally agree with this action that Bush is taking. Not only is this action an improvement for his figure, but a better direction for U.S. Pro athletes that utilizes performance-enhancement drugs is not only cheating, but hurting themselves. This article is worth reading because of the purpose of this pact is considered to be important and better for the U.S.

This article was found at The Austin American Statesman

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